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If you ever find yourself asking “Should I go to Malaysia?”…the answer is YES! The fact that you’re curious about it should be reason enough to start looking up flight deals, but if you’re still unsure, this country guide is here to help you find your answer & get excited and planning!

In my opinion, Malaysia is one of the most underrated South East Asian countries. While most tourists are flocking to Thailand and Bali, Malaysia remains a bit under the radar as an incredible destination. Secluded beaches that take your breath away, delicious street food, friendly locals and cheap activities are just a few reasons Malaysia should be on your list!

Should I go to Malaysia Country Travel Guide


Language: Malay. English is beginning to be taught as a second language.

Money: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)

Conversion rate: 1USD=RM 4.20 (as of March 2022)

Tipping: Not customary, but appreciated. In touristy areas, you might see a 10% upcharge on your bill, this is in place of the tip. 

Outlets: 240V Type G outlet, meaning, if you are coming from the US or the UK you will need an adapter and converter. 

People: Malays are generally friendly people. If you befriend a local, they are typically eager to show you around their town and take you to their favorite spots.

Safety: Like everywhere in the world, there are certain areas to avoid. However, the majority of Malaysia is safe to travel & live in. Crime rates are low.

Water: Do NOT drink the tap water. Even locals drink bottled water, if they are able.

Emergency #: 999

Seasons of Malaysia:

Because of its proximity to the Equator, the climate of Malaysia stays fairly uniform. The seasons are not as extreme or distinct.

Rainy/Cool: Sept-Dec.  Expect a lot of rainy, chilly days during this season. Because it’s humid, it’s a difficult season to pack for.

Dry/Hot: March-August The beginning of this season is a great time to visit, it gets much hotter as the season goes on.

Peak tourist seasons: Dec-Feb & June-Aug During this time, expect longer lines at tourist attractions and fuller beaches.

My recommended time to visit: I was exploring Malaysia in Feb-April. This seemed to be a good time as the islands were still warm enough to lay on the beach and swim in the ocean, but cool enough to hike through the jungle. Kuala Lumpur required a light jacket, but it wasn’t too hot or crowded, as it is between peak season.

Things to do in Malaysia:

Explore Kuala Lumpur. Even if big city life isn’t your jam, this is a good way to get a first hand account of the hustle and bustle of the culture. You will probably fly into KL, so while you’re there, why not check out the markets, try street food or eat at local restaurants, and temporarily embrace city life.

Cable car in Langkawi. This is such an amazing way to get a once-in-a-lifetime view of a country you may otherwise only experience from eye level.

Perhentian. I’m hesitant to share this little slice of heaven with the world. If you promise to leave it beautiful, you have my full permission to visit. 😉

Watch fire dancers. These impressive performances can be found, both, in tourist traps and for free on the beach. Either way, it’s worth the show. Grab a drink, find a spot on the sand & be amazed.

Visit a temple. There are so many Hindu and Buddhist temples scattered about the country that it’s almost a must if you’re looking to really get to understand the lifestyle of the local Malay people. 

General costs:


Food: Expect to spend only a few dollars on street food. $5+ from market vendors.

Accomodation: Hostels run between $7-$20 per night. (Keep in mind, when booking a dorm, you pay per person)

Transportation: Walking is a free option. Bike rentals cost around $3 and a short taxi ride should be about $6.

Activities: Beach days, hiking, meeting locals & exploring the city by foot are all free and amazing!

Mid Range

Food: A sit down dinner will run you $12-15 per plate.

Accomodation: Airbnbs average about $36USD per night.

Transportation: An intercity bus will run, on average, $36, but costs depend on distance and stops.

Activities: Park entrances, museums & temples can cost between $5-$10USD each.

High End

Food: Classy restaurants in the city can start at $20+ per plate.

Accomodation: Chain hotels run around $75+ per night.

Transportation: Rental cars typically cost around $35 per day.

Activities: Tours made for tourists can range anywhere form $7-$150+ depending on the type of tour.

Insider tips:

1 Research the culture before you go. It’s important to remain respectful when visiting. 

2 Try food from a street cart. Pay attention to the cleanliness, but don’t overthink that part. It’s worth it to try some of the local cuisine in the form of cheap food cart lunch!

3 Add a few other countries to your trip. South East Asia has so many incredible destinations and once you’re on that side of the world, it’s cheaper to travel between them.

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