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What is Natural Wellness?
This is a great place to start. You may have heard the term “holistic wellness”, which is a way of assessing one’s health & wellness by looking at the body & mind as a whole. This approach dissects the physical, mental, emotional, social & spiritual aspects of life and believes to be truly well, all of these areas must be well.
Now, I absolutely agree with this approach-It’s *mostly* what I practice and preach. BUT, I feel there is more to it than just those 5 areas of the human experience. Modern life brings the aspect of finances to the table and the ancient reminds us of the important role that connection to the Earth plays.
Let’s be honest…
Since the beginning of existence, beings and creatures have had a deep connection to the natural planet on which they live. Overtime, as society evolved, we seemed to have weakened that connection and we can see the effects of it all around us; indoors and/or in solitude for days at a time, toxins in our food & water, unnatural fibers in contact with our skin constantly, highest rates of disease & illness and constant stress over finances and modern chaos.
Back to Natural Wellness
Okay, to jump back out of the doom & gloom I initiated there, please hear me when I say:
Humanity has been led to this place, detached from ourselves and the nature that surrounds us. But this lifestyle, emphasizing natural wellness, is attainable and once you uncover natural wellness, you will create a life of vibrant abundance.
The goal of The Nomadic Naturalist is to help you achieve natural wellness (which is your birthright) to its highest potential.

How do can we easily incorporate Wellness in our daily lives?
There are SO many, simple ways to do this! The very first place I recommend starting is by just listening to your body. Our bodies are speaking to us all the time.
Start turning your dream life into reality with these resources:

Let’s dive into the categories of wellness.