If you’re looking for travel books for the flight, guides to get your planning going or just a good travel memoir to live vicariously, you’re on the right page! These are some of my personal favorites for you to enjoy & get excited about doing what we love-travel!
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Travel memoirs to get excited about exploring:
My top choice:
A special shout out to Andi Crockford for the book No Return Ticket. It’s an incredible journey of a family adventure around the world. Over the course of 2 years, a couple and their adult daughter (surprise, it’s me!) explore over 20 countries and learn more about themselves, each other, and the world around them than they ever could have imagined! It’s hilarious, eye-opening, sweet, insightful, and worth every minute spent between the pages!
A few specifics to help with planning:
My top choice:
Before You Go Abroad Handbook by: Shyla & Daniel Bare is an amazing in-depth guide to all the must-knows before you take a trip overseas! They cover everything from pre-trip planning, health & safety, accommodation and transportation tips, and even what to do after you return home! And so much more in this jam packed guide by people that have done it all themselves!
Travel books for the flight:
Pro tip: Always grab the paperback copy, rather than hard cover. They will be much lighter to pack around on your travels and easier to pass on when you finish them!